Diversity in the UAE

by | Mar 10, 2015

The UAE business climate is a unique one. According to World Bank figures, there are an estimated 9.2 million people who call this place home – 91% of whom are expatriates. These expats have become the back bone of the UAE economy, paying their dues and doing their bit to make the UAE the country we all love to live and work in.

The work environment here is made all the more interesting by the sheer diversity of the workforce. It’s very usual here to find work teams where team members come from the seven different continents. We all speak differently, think differently and work differently to achieve the same goals.

A key skill for survival in this climate will then be a high degree of tolerance, an uncanny ability to build liaisons across ethnic lines and nationalities, and adeptness at leveraging the strengths of our differences in order to achieve the main goal in business – maximizing profit.

Remember, if you’re doing business in the UAE, BOTH can take the hassle of running your back office operations off you while you focus on growing your core business.
